'16 and Pregnant chelsea' recap: You gotta do what you gotta do

Posted by Admin | Posted in , , , , | Posted on 6:19 AM


Image Credit: MTVBased on the show’s title alone, you know the basics about last night’s episode of 16 and Pregnant. What the title doesn’t tell you is that the teen moms on the show can sometimes defy preconceived notions and make really good decisions. Case in point: Chelsea.

Here’s the backstory (and first half of the episode): Adam is Chelsea’s boyfriend and the father of her child. Chelsea’s dad does not like Adam because he’s disrespectful, unreliable, and speaks condescendingly to his daughter (and, you know, knocked her up…). But after a private chat in the kitchen, Chelsea’s dad is reasonably convinced the teen father will be reliable after the baby is born. Yeah, he was wrong.

Immediately following the birth of the couple’s premature daughter, Aubree, Adam seems to be on a noble path. He even asks that the baby be given his last name. It soon becomes obvious that his pro-active approach is short-lived. The morning after Chelsea’s release from the hospital, she’s eager to go see her still-hospitalized daughter. Adam has other ideas: sleep. It’s downhill after that.

He seems more interested in pulling all-nighters standing under the hood of his car when he could spend the night standing over his daughter’s crib. At one point, Chelsea mentions that Adam hasn’t seen their daughter in three weeks. When she tries to confront him about it, he tells her to ‘’stop being annoying.” Poor Chelsea falls into a bit of a depression, but doesn’t let it get in the way of caring for Aubree. Still, her concerned friends and father encourage her to move on.

Determined to get a slice of her life back, Chelsea went to her high school’s Homecoming football game, but came home early because she missed Aubree. After learning she went out, Adam texted Chelsea some of the most hateful messages I’d ever seen (one is quoted below). He insulted Chelsea’s skills as a mom, called their daughter ”a mistake,” and talked about her stretch marks — yea, he went there.

Chelsea called her father in tears and begged him to come home, which he did. But after the meltdown, Chelsea had an epiphany: She had to move on. Shortly after, with her dad and best friend in tow, Chelsea went to a law office and changes Aubree’s last name. Adam is officially out of the picture. It was great to see Chelsea step up for her baby and her future.

Before you consume the noteworthy moments below, tell me: What did you think of 16 and Pregnant? Would you like to see more of the teen moms take a stand against bad boyfriends? Did Chelsea’s mature decision surprise you? Sound off below!

Most [adjective here] moment: Uncomfortable – Tie: Chelsea and her friend talking about pooping during childbirth and Chelsea trying out the breast pump on Adam. Hateful – Adam’s comment after he did not go to the pediatrician’s office with Chelsea when Aubree became ill. ”Looks like you did fine. She’s not dead or anything.” Angering – Adam’s (English language-decimating) text message to Chelsea: ”no I want u to feel like the most worthless stupid f— in the world u better believe its so over for the rest of ourlives ya fat stretch mark b—-…” Wise – Chelsea’s dad telling her: ”You need to start using [Adam's] meanness as your motivation to get out of this,” after Adam sends her the above text message. Slow clap-worthy – Chelsea signing the papers to change the baby’s last name to her own.

Dog rescue video

Posted by Admin | Posted in , , , , , | Posted on 2:18 PM


Today, amazing footage was taken of a heroic dog rescue in Los Angeles which brings up the issue of how local emergency services can aid in taking care of our pets. We might think of the image of a fireman coming out to rescue the little cat in the tree--something that probably is rare today. But here were firemen and other emergency workers taking the time and spending money to rescue someone's pet in the middle of one of our nation's largest cities.

So, here in the St. Louis area, especially the Southeast Missouri rural area I live in, would we support the humane treatment of animals that might take up so many resources normally meant for saving humans and not pets? That's the power of pet photography -- it might move us to rethink our relationships to pets or reinforce our deeply held beliefs.

In honor of pet rescues, check out this story of Luigi, here in the St. Louis area. It shows how ordinary citizens help out pets in meaningful ways. The Stray Rescue of St. Louis have so many heart warming stories of rescue that might even motivate you to adopt. Again, one of the most powerful functions of pet photography is to motivate us to treat animals humanely.

Phillies To Sign Jose Contreras

Posted by Admin | Posted in , , , , , | Posted on 2:16 PM


"I suspect, after what Contreras is going to do next year you'd rather have Soriano than him. Laugh all you want about the contract but if healthy (just like every other MLB player) he's a productive player. Think you can say that about Jose Contreras at this point? Frankly he hasn't been a good pitcher since 2006.

Philly fans are typically defensive but going after someone for making a perfectly acceptable observation is getting to be the norm for the Phans. I guess the success is doing the same thing to you guys that it did to Red Sox fans

The Phillies have reached an agreement with Jose Contreras to a one-year deal, according to Enrique Rojas of ESPN. The deal is pending a physical.

The righty posted a 5.42 ERA with 7.0 K/9 and 3.5 BB/9 in 21 starts for the White Sox before getting traded to the Rockies in late August. The 38-year-old posted a 1.59 in seven games for Colorado in the regular season, including two starts. The veteran also made two appearances for the club in the postseason.

Grant Desme Retiring

Posted by Admin | Posted in , | Posted on 1:33 PM


Via Jon Paul Morosi, one of Oakland’s very best prospects is retiring from baseball to become a priest. Grant Desme, who was the A’s second round pick in 2007, is a career .286-.365-.557 hitter in the minors, and was ranked by Baseball America as the team’s 8th best prospect earlier this week. It sucks for Oakland, but good for Desme for doing what he wants. Goes to show just how many different ways prospects can fall short of their ceilings.

Friend of RAB Amanda Rykoff caught Desme in action in the Arizona Fall League a few months ago, in what ultimately turned out to be one of his final games.